Seems like we’re always on the road or up in the sky, whizzing our way to meetings and projects all over the world. In addition to piling up the frequent flyer miles, we also love the hidden morsels we find on the go. From down-and-dirty food trucks and gin joints to fancy-schmancy epicurean meccas, we love us some food and hooch. And we have our own list of or favorite secret spots that Yelp would love to get their hands on. And we’re willing to share the love.

So let’s talk about our current obsession - Facebook’s Menlo Park campus. If you’re lucky enough to be invited to FB, you’ll discover that the millennial employees have a lot in common with your grandma. They’ll ask you if you’ve eaten and, regardless of your answer, start offering you food from a jaw-dropping array of eateries. Think Disneyland meets Restaurant Week. Don’t even get us started on “Nacho Wednesday.” And food trucks (every day). And guest chefs. And ice cream, cookies, candy. Seriously.

When we visit, our mantra is “Move Fast, Eat Things”. What we crave the most (and it’s a tough call) is Lightning Bolt’s Smoke Shack. Trust us, Austin’s got nothing on this place. Melt-in-your-mouth brisket, pulled pork, links, and OMG the BBQ sauce bar! Plus, fixens for days – collard greens, slaw, beans, biscuits and mac n’ cheese. The humanity!

After lunch – since a nap is out of the question – we like to have a shot of espresso and sometimes indulge in ice cream dipped in something saucy.

Wonder how many times Facebookers hear “If I worked here I’d be 300 lbs.”

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